Training and Workshop about MALA GPR GX

We had a training and workshop about MALA GPR GX with Muhamad Afiq Saharudin, Application Engineer GuidelineGeo at Pertamina University. During this session, he shared how to operate MALA GPR GX, new technology in MALA GPR and processing data. Heribertus Hario Wicahyo, a representative from PT Exact, gave the opening speech. He told that MALA GPR was a world-class GPR manufacturer and the most experience GPR manufacturer with 70 years of experience. Also, he told that GPR was one of the geophysical methods that support other geophysical methods. So, if you want to know better information about advanced exploration subsurface, you have to conduct other geophysical methods for instance resistivity or seismic methods. The lecturers from Pertamina University also gave some presentations and sharing knowledge about their studies using MALA GPR. PT Exact Global Teknologi plans to conduct the next training about resistivity method and seismic with ABEM instrument.

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